“Here Comes the Bride” includes original art in all media: painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture and video by 59 women from the local, national and international community whose work explores the theme and ritual of weddings and related ceremonies. Artists include Shelly Jyoti from India, Andrea Bird from Canada, and artists from various US states, including 20 artists from Illinois.
Juror: Beate Minkovski
Exhibiting artists included Jo Anne Adams, Sarah Beckstrom, Emily Bicht, Andrea Bird, Cathi Kern Borushek, Bo Breda, Fran Bull, Susan Cersovsky, Diane Chin, Jessica Cook, Patricia Cudd, Melanie Deal, Peggy Dee, Christine DiThomas, Eileen Downes, Jane Cress Edgar, Beatrice Fisher, Julie Foreman, Barbara Freeman, Laura S. Friedlander, Dawn Gettler, Kathy Halper, Constance Hanselman, Melissa Haviland, Jennifer and Robin Hereth-Power, Teresa Hofheimer, Christina Jorge, Shelly Jyoti, Elka Kazmierczak, Mary King, Judi Krew, Georgia Kung, Wendy Kveck, Eliza Lamb, Mary Longley, Cindy Matchett, Meridith McNeal, Rachel Melis, Kristen Merola, Carolyn Rose Milner, Doris Monti, Cella Neapolitan, Kathleen Migliore, Newton Robbin O’Harrow, Bonnie Peterson, Lisa A. Pounders, Marguerite Manteau Rao, Deena des Rioux, Larissa Rolley, Katherine Santora, Gail Marlene Schwartz, Loren Schwerd, Carol Shikany, Elissa Steinert, Shana Rossi, Talley Roxie Thomas, Judith Williams, and Alison Williams.