Jo Anne Adams

hand knit, hand dyed cotton yarn, printed transparency, cotton thread, beads

What is the meaning of the veil in the modern wedding? Research shows that in the past it was thought to be a protective garment worn by the bride to ward off any dark forces on the way to her groom. In our current day it seems more a signifier of the role of the woman wearing it in the wedding ceremony.

For my veil I chose to create a hand knit piece. The process of making signifying the personal value of the garment to me. I chose to frame the face rather than cover it in acknowledgement of my own empowered choice to enter into marriage. Included are pieces of still images from the video piece I created from the haiku:

Covered in the flowers
I could die
In this dream of ours

The piece, along with the video, reflects the personalization of this particular veil to this particular bride, the belief in romantic love and the celebration of union.

© Jo Anne Adams