I was in my 20’s when a friend of mine told me that she had gotten pregnant after a one night stand with a man she met in a bar. She was divorced, and already had a little girl that was about four years old. My friend had just started a new, full time job, and this was the last thing she needed.
I had never given the topic of abortion much thought, but now that my friend was considering getting one, I was totally shocked and suddenly became judgmental, maybe even to my own surprise.
I absolutely think that women should have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies, but to me, this was different. My friend had, in my eyes “played it fast and loose” and was almost using an abortion as a form of backward birth control.
I didn’t feel this was right, so I sat down to speak with her about other options. Of course my friend had her mind made up, and the appointment set. In the end, it was her body and her choice. That’s what it comes down to, right or wrong, a woman should have that choice! Although I surprised myself with the feelings I had over this, I remained a good friend.
I babysat her little girl while she had her appointment. I’m sure this wasn’t as easy for her as I initially imagined. Once I became a mother my eyes were opened as to just how much is involved in raising another human being. It is no small thing.
-Susanne Swanson Bernard