Renie Breskin Adams

How to Checker a Cube
hand embroidery
10 7/8 x 8 1/2 in.

If you try to checker a cube you’ll find that checkers of the same color will meet at some edges. Inserting a gusset at an offending edge not only solves this heady problem of patterning but accidentally suggests a tablecloth—thus providing an opportunity for domestic elaborations! My checkered tablecloth stands for an intuitive and comic leap of the imagination. In the last frame, I’m looking through the window into my own imagination. In general, my art is a record of real and imagined facts that commingle in dreamy musings about daily life—often puzzling, or just plain silly, both happy and sad, and always the truth.
I’m a narrative artist—a pioneer in the contemporary genre of embroidered pictures—and professor emerita of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. Please go to to visit my online gallery, The Art of Renie Breskin Adams, and my blog, RenieBeeBuzz, where more art and essays will be accumulating.

© Renie Breskin Adams