Thanks to all contributors for WMG’s Literary event “Building Blocks and Elements” on Sunday, July 14, 2019 and curated by Nina Corwin. Poets shared their work exploring the elements.
Building Blocks and Elements
The classical elements – air, water, fire, and earth – once believed to be the basic substances composing the physical universe.
Climate, environment, as in: “braving the elements,” meaning to endure tough and unfavorable conditions.
In chemistry, the primary components of all ordinary matter which cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
These poems exploring the literal and/or metaphorical elements should make for an exciting afternoon.
Woman Made Gallery hosts literary events that coincide with each of our juried group exhibitions. The current poetry series is curated by Nina Corwin. Kurt Eric Heintz is WMG’s Audio Recordist, and Jennifer Steele is WMG’s Literary Events Outreach Coordinator. Thank you to WMG’s Literary Team and all Poets.
Featured Poets: Ebony E. Chinn, Teresa Dzieglewicz, Laura Ring, B. Metzger Sampson, and Sara Moore Wagner. (click on names to read poems)
Cameo Poets: Tina Bhaga, Regina Harris Baiocchi, Carla Barger, Patrice Boyer Claeys, and Jane Haldiman. (click on names to read poems)
Ebony E. Chinn was born and raised in New Jersey. She is a McNair Scholar, a Callaloo Fellow, a Poets & Writers Amy Award recipient, and a Poetry Assistant Editor for Anomaly. She is an MFA student at the University of Alabama. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in H_NGM_N, Callaloo, Narrative, and Frontier Poetry.

Teresa Dzieglewicz is an educator, Pushcart Prize-winning poet, and a co-director of the Mni Wičhóni Nakíčižiŋ Owáyawa (Defenders of the Water School) on Standing Rock Reservation. She earned her MFA from Southern Illinois University, where she received the Academy of American Poets Prize. She is the winner of the 2018 Auburn Witness Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in Pushcart Prize XLII, Best New Poets 2019, Beloit Poetry Journal, Ninth Letter, Sixth Finch, and elsewhere.

Laura Ring is a poet, short story writer, anthropologist and librarian. She is the author of the ethnography Zenana: Everyday Peace in a Karachi Apartment Building (Indiana University Press), and her poems and short stories have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, most recently Rogue Agent, Rise up Review, and Everything That Can Happen: Poems About the Future (Emma Press). A native Vermonter, she lives in Chicago.

B. Metzger Sampson is a poet, essayist, and frequent collaborator with visual artists. Recent publications include interviews, essays, and poems, in Adroit Journal, Temporary Art Review, Hypertext Magazine, and at Their collaborative visual and written work has been shown at venues in and around Chicago, in Neuss, Germany, and Cairo, Egypt. They are currently the executive director of the Chicago Poetry Center, and was named one of Newcity’s “Lit 50: Who Really Books in Chicago.”

WMG Literary Team

Nina Corwin — WMG Literary Events Curator.
Nina Corwin is a published poet, Founding Editor for Fifth Wednesday Journal and psychotherapist/advocate for victims of sexual assault. She is the author of two books of poetry, The Uncertainty of Maps and Conversations With Friendly Demons and Tainted Saints. Her work has appeared in ACM, Forklift OH, Hotel Amerika, New Ohio Review, Southern Poetry Review, Verse and has been nominated for the Pushcart prize. Corwin is an Advisory Editor for Fifth Wednesday Journal and co-edited Inhabiting the Body: A Collection of Poetry and Art By Women. She has read and performed her work across the country, at times set with musical or choreographic compositions.

Jennifer Steele – WMG Literary Events Outreach Coordinator.
Jennifer Steele is a published poet and educator and serves as Partnerships Coordinator for Teen Services at Chicago Public Library. She served as co-founder and co-curator of the Revolving Door Reading Series. Her work has appeared in Another Chicago Magazine, Callaloo Journal, Columbia Poetry Review, Warpland Journal, So To Speak, and others, and is a Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop fellow. She has taught creative writing and digital media arts across Chicago since 2008 and has collaborated with numerous youth organizations and cultural institutions, designing innovative arts programming.

Kurt Heintz – WMG Literary Events Audio Recordist.
Kurt Heinz once taught computer graphics programming at Columbia College, and worked as an independent web developer. He’s since become the lead video director at Britannica. Heintz is known for his poetry videos, begun in the early 1990s. He also videoconferenced his colleagues’ poetry in the late 1990s — years before Skype and the iPhone. He was a technical advisor to the Electronic Literature Organization in its earliest years, and is the video content editor for Another Chicago Magazine.

Thank you Angela Narciso Torres, for your wonderful work and support for WMG and our Literary Program!
For an archive of past readings visit: recorded by Kurt Heintz.
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All events are free and open to the public. Donations are always welcome and appreciated:
Woman Made Gallery is supported in part by grants from The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events; The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation; The Illinois Arts Council Agency; a major anonymous donor; and the generosity of its members and contributors.