Virginia Pitre-Hay

Royal Alizarin
gouache and marker
8.75 x 6.5 in.

Royal Amber
gouache and marker
8.75 x 6.5 in.

Ginny Pitre-Hay is a contemporary representational artist. At the heart of her paintings is a story, whether obviously stated or left to interpretation. From a lifetime of drawing, to her career as designer and art director in the magazine and book publishing industry, she has dealt with the power of storytelling.

“As an artist I get my inspirations from the ever-changing patterns of life passing in front of me—a snapshot in time, a narrative unfolding, seen through the lens of my own experiences.”

Pitre-Hay’s artistic passion is in the rhythmic shapes, shadow and colors that form the subjects of her art. A simple rake of light across an old farm house, an abandoned gas station, or the fluid gestures of people going about their lives, are all subjects that find their way in to her paintings.

© Virginia Pitre-Hay