Bibere Viridi Sanctum is a ritualistic performance of making a smoothie. I grew up both Catholic and Vegetarian from birth. That dichotomy lead to thoughts about ritualistic behavior and using food as a way to nourish the temple of your body. Smoothies are often used as a way to cleanse the body from toxins, much in the same way, Catholic Communion is suppose to purify your soul. It also draws on ASMR and How-To youtube videos which are ritualistic, spiritual, and personal ways for people to experience or make a life better some how. The phrases in the video are lists of ingredients and how they are good sources of vitamins, fibers, etc.
Emily Casella is a Mixed-Media artist that combines, video, ceramics, photography and drawing to create her society of people. She creates vibrant 2D and 3D people with revealing backstories. She has an MFA in Ceramics from Herron School of Art and Design with a BFA from Indiana University Northwest. She is an adjunct educator for various colleges in Indiana.
© Emily J. Casella