Emily Beck

Ladylike (frieze)
laser-cut mirrored acrylic, wood, fabric, and paper
60 x 60 in. | $6,000

I am an interdisciplinary artist, and in my work I manipulate and re-contextualize aspects of our identity that are often hidden within the layers of human communication and interaction. Using video, animation, photography, sculpture and sound, I capture experiences of emotional vulnerability, unrehearsed performances, gender construction, systems of belief, and methods of connection and understanding.

In the “Ladylike” series, I am pointing to the current state of women’s labor. Globally, women are managing the majority of the unpaid domestic labor even when employed in a full time paid job. A recent UN Labour report (https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_674816), states that it will take another 200 years to reach gender equality in unpaid domestic work. The work is a reflection of the lack of balance and support for women in the domestic space despite the expanded roles that they play in public space.

artist’s website

© Emily Beck