Amidst society’s ever-shifting power systems and the distortion of truth that comes with it, I find solace in the study and arrangement of worn out things. The objects we interact with in our everyday lives hold a profound power, preserving evidence that cannot be erased. They carry with them both the literal smells and markings of a life lived and the weight of cultural references evoked by their specific past. These artifacts are the ideal medium to overcome our tenuous relationship with truth.
The story of culture is always being written, one that pulls in the past to conjure a new narrative. My work is an observation of that ongoing conversation, an exploration of the complexities and contradictions of memory; a rebellion against the notion that the past is fixed and unchanging. I create environments large and small, as installation or sculpture, by arranging objects that are no longer bound by their original function. The presence of familiar smells and recognizable childhood playthings helps to further distort these arrangements until the edges of a new story materialize.
© Stacey Lee Gee