“Bundle of Joy” is a poignant exploration of a childless couple’s emotional and societal struggles, focusing on the pressure to conform to traditional expectations of parenthood. The jackfruit serves as a powerful metaphor for the burden they carry—the societal stigma of being childless.
At the start, the couple is seen passing the heavy jackfruit between them, symbolizing the weight of societal judgment. The fruit’s tough, spiky exterior represents the external pressure they face—constant questions, unsolicited advice, and assumptions about their worth being tied to having children. As they pass the fruit back and forth, their shared burden highlights the emotional toll of these expectations, leading to stress, pain, and exhaustion within their relationship.
The narrative reaches a pivotal moment when the couple, overwhelmed, chooses to let go of the jackfruit. This act of release signifies their decision to free themselves from societal pressures and the rigid definitions of motherhood. As the fruit breaks open, it reveals the sweet inner bulbs, symbolizing the hidden joys and rewards they discover in their life together. They realize that nurturing and fulfilment are not confined to parenthood but can be found in the way they care for one another and create meaning in their lives.
“Bundle of Joy” celebrates the couple’s resilience in the face of societal norms, showing that true fulfilment comes from embracing life on their own terms, rather than conforming to traditional
I’m Dhivya Ravishankar- (ARTIST NAME -JOTHI) Architect/Artist based in Chennai, India. In addition to my architectural practice, I explore art through photography and videography. My art is profoundly influenced by my spiritual inclinations and my quest for emotional freedom. I strive to transcend the constraints imposed by social pressures, cultural stigmas, and gender biases. Through my creative work, I aim to reflect a deeper sense of liberation and authenticity, embodying my personal pursuit of freedom from these external forces.
© Jothi Dhivya