Johanna Sarah Schlenk

Female Foam Party
mp4-video, foam, water, female body
15 min 22 secs

Female Foam Party.
Foam. Skin. Hair. Touch.
A sensual experience beyond socially normalized constructions of expectation. Recommended for imitation.

“Hanna Haarig” is a hairy lady looking for acceptance and fulfillment of her human need of being touched. Although individual examples of self-emancipatory attempts by women, in which they no longer shaved, were disseminated via social media in 2019, the traditional maxim of hairless women still applies in the mainstream of different societies. Breaking out of the norm is associated with feelings of shame, guilt or disgust. These each have their own cultural-historical meaning and tradition, which is closely linked to patriarchal power structures and religious dogmas.

Anyway the protagonist “Hanna Haarig” is dealing with her body as a naturally embodied self that needs to be touched in a sensual way during daily life. In “Female Foam Party” she plays with the effects and associations a natural female body provocates by touching itself while just taking a relaxing bath.

Johanna Sarah Schlenk is a visual and teaching artist. She works in the area of the tensionfields between people and their surroundings. Starting from the human body, she explores its various forms of expression by playing with human images, developing roles, characters and objects and letting them interact with materials and props.

artist’s website

© Johanna Sarah Schlenk