Susana Lopez F

Territorios, Sunday
digital photocollage – 16.53 x 23.22 in.

A visual artist from Gijon, Spain, I have become a modern day flâneur through photography. My artistic focus explores how the surface of the photograph is a modern day canvas to capture the ‘routine’ and transform it into something exceptional. Currently, my mission is to catch the beauty of a city with each shot of my camera in a bid to capture the aspects of city life that we are all too often too busy to notice.

These pictures belong to “Territorios,” which is a photographic investigation as well as a personal reflection born through my observation of different communities coexisting in the same territory. In this project, I present my thoughts about coexistence, tolerance, respect, diversity and our need to adapt to a new culture while, at the same time, we try to preserve our origins. “Territorios” was filmed in three different cities: New York, London and San Francisco.