Shelly Jyoti

Untitled Disc 1
mixed media textile
15 x 15 in. | $300

Untitled Disc 2
mixed media textile
15 x 15 in. | $300

Untitled Disc 3
mixed media textile
15 x 15 in. | $300

Shelly Jyoti, whose educational background includes Literature, Fashion and Fine arts – has a keen interest in both India’s material and socio-political history which has inspired her textile work over the past few decades.

These works are part of variable textile hanging site-specific mobile titled ‘Homage: To the Indigo farmers of Champaran. This installation is made of sculptural discs with Ajrakh prints on hand spun handwoven fabric that maps the story of indigo farmers of Champaran suggesting of their sordid story into the sculptural whole. These artworks are a part of 300 or more indigo and natural dyed discs, hanging attached to one another, suggesting hundreds of years of subjugation. This installation has been exhibited in different cities in India and the US including at the Chicago Cultural Center.

© Shelly Jyoti