Sarah C. Chapman

Round Brooch and Pendant
sterling silver, blister pearl, stainless steel

Reticulated Brooch and Pendant
sterling silver, 20 silver, blister pearl, stainless steel

Large Shell Pendants
sterling silver, copper, brass, shells, pearls

The objects that I make come from my desire to build; they are based on my observations of people and nature as architects. I am struck by the process involved in building structures, how decisions are made, items are organized, and a structure grows from nothing. Equally as significant is that the structure has a particular function and that it is designed with that intent.

So, I build because I enjoy the process. Specifically, I choose to build small things because when an individual holds something in her hands, the physical connection provides an avenue or an opportunity for a kind of appreciation for the object. Jewelry provides a vehicle for me to explore both scale and the act of building.

© Sarah C. Chapman