Samantha Butkus

Seeing Growth (2020)
8.5 x 11 in.

Look for the helpers in this time, really see them. I miss seeing my students. I miss seeing the work they create, the smiles on their faces, and the smiles in their eyes. Eyes…eyes…eyes.

Living through a pandemic is a difficult time for so many of us in a variety of ways. As I have been teaching art remotely, I have struggled with so many of the “what ifs” that we continue to face. Art is saving many of us, it is saving me, from truly breaking during this time. We’ll keep growing like trees reaching for the pretty blue skies, and we will see each other soon in much better health, with a deeper appreciation for one another. From the bottom of my heart, I cannot wait to see that.

artist’s website

© Samantha Butkus