Ancient mosaics depicts movement, triggers a sense of tactility and activates participation of the viewer; same with modern color, materials and design. Integrated with art on the basis design and of abstract relationships, contemporary mixed media mosaics connects with its past and offers new insights into each other. By synthesizing different materials, and color interactions, contemporary mosaics urge the impulse of creating new stories.
Over the years, as a contemporary mosaicist, I have practiced hands on studio tradition and built skills in color and material planning for mosaic making applications. In additions to the ancient art of mosaics, experience in color design and visits to the archeological sites guide me through the process of simplifying the learning methods to develop hands-on experience for search and discovery.
Mosaics and color design are my strong background that support to navigate and connect the process for self motivated in humanities, arts and design, color science, and ancient history. My experience in museum workshop setting and extended day enrichment programs provide opportunities to explore new ways of seeing and making.
Ancient art of mosaics as a contemporary practice is my entry point to explore and discover new ideas through the interdisciplinary connections. Children have the highest capacity, naturally and instinctively, to make associations and links for ideas among materials, techniques and objects around them. Observing, constructing and imagining are meaningful learning activities for children.
© Safir Kaylan