Margaret Laurena Kemp

She Who Is (2018)
In Collaboration With Julie Forest Wyman

She Who Is – performed within an actual teaching theatre where typically scientists lecture on their findings, this work poses a dialogue between African-American social dance and artistic practice as an accumulated knowledge bank. The ’see -through’ Victorian Costume, worn in this work continues a creative exploration of authorship, spatial awareness, and cellular memory

The Adrienne Kennedy Fugues-
Visually inspired by Classical Hollywood imagery that floods the works of American playwright Adrienne Kennedy. Throughout her body of work protagonists are highly educated, acculturated African American academics find themselves teetering on the edge of the ‘metaphysical dilemma’ that is in the margins where both living inside and outside of the academy are squeezed. Kennedy, interrupts ‘the system’ of the well-made play with long poetic, cinematically described stage directions.

By extracting them and following them to the letter, room is made to contemplate the relationship between the life lived in the Black female body the demands of the dominant culture.

She Who Is – Julie Forest Wyman – Camera and Director

artist’s website

© Margaret Laurena Kemp