Lisa Marie Barber

Wish (2013)
51 x 63 x 84 in.

Girl with Houses and Clouds (1999)
quilted fabric with ink, appliques, embroidery, beads, ribbons, and buttons
54 x 72 in.

In thinking of the theme “home” and what to submit for consideration, many of my pieces came to mind. Ideas about home, as well as various depictions of houses and urban dwellings, have been mainstays in my creations for over 25 years. The works I selected for possible inclusion in this exhibition come from various points within this lineage.

I am blessed in that my feeling of home as always been one of happiness, sanctuary, and a place for reflection on the mystery of this life. For nearly all of my adult years, I have lived alone, so my personal home is also a solitary one. This solitary sense has deepened, as it has for others, during this strange time of isolation. Still, I feel very fortunate to be comfortable– both in being able to afford my housing and feeling relatively “okay” with this new level of aloneness—at least for the time being.

artist’s website

© Lisa Marie Barber