Linda Hillman

Jar 1
stoneware with Toshiko glaze; hand-built and thrown, cone 10 reduction firing

Jar 2
stoneware with white slip and Malcolm Shino glaze and wood ash; hand-built and thrown; cone 10 reduction firing resulting in the sought-after peeling

There is no better time for me than when I am working with clay. If I am working alone in silence, listening to a book-on-tape, or to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, I am at peace. I feel good about myself, competent, satisfied with my life, content. I want my work to hold this contentment, this feeling of flow. This is why I work in clay.

The pots I make are functional—this jar has the function of holding, of fitting into a still life, or just sitting quietly in its place. My work reflects my life experiences—travel, urban living, teaching and what I collect and encounter daily: pots, jewelry, and textiles. Material culture from my African and Middle Eastern travels and a longing to make my urban-American setting just a little more beautiful, the quotidian meal a little more elegant, reflects itself in the ceramics I make and use to enhance my everyday life.

© Linda Hillman