Jennifer Giesler

30 x 40 in.

Growing up in a Midwestern city with family roots in small town farming communities, I have nostalgia for both the cityscape and rural landscape. I am drawn to remnants of the past, old building structures and architecture. It is the city’s warehouses and water towers that speak to me; while in the country, it is in the aging barns and farmhouses that I find so much beauty. It is the quiet isolation and calm emptiness of these spaces that intrigue me.

“In Praise of Physical Labor–”
Physical labor is at the core of my family’s tradition–farming, teaching, truck-driving. These are among the jobs that are the backbone of our country but that all too often go unacknowledged and unappreciated. Despite this, these laborers are the people who diligently continue working to provide for their families in hopes of a better life for their children. I recognize and appreciate that it is the sacrifice and hard work of our country’s laborers as well as my own family’s laborers that have provided me with the opportunities and life that I have been blessed to live and that have enabled me to pursue my passion of painting. For their hard work and commitment I am extremely grateful. Growing up with such humble, hard-working role models I learned the importance of family and an appreciation for what truly matters in life. For this invaluable life lesson I am most grateful.

© Jennifer Giesler