Elaine Woo

Big Shoes to Fill #2
color photograph
11 x 8.5 in.

Elaine Woo lost her father this year. She believes such a deep connection of love never ceases. Throughout his life, while dying, and after, he still teaches her how to live life. He taught through his example. His generosity of spirit, his patience, his deep love and deference for others lives on in the hearts and minds of those whose life he touched. While caring for his family and household, he had the wisdom to care for his self.

The exhibition call, Loss, interested Elaine because she wanted to honor her father. A loss of the physical body, yes, but dad’s legacy is enduring. Elaine was inspired to remember her dad though his ballroom dancing shoes, because his shoes are big ones to fill and ballroom dancing was part of his self care and shared love with her mother and later, her step mother.

artist’s website

© Elaine Woo