1. Eye of a Sea Turtle / Patriotic Fireworks (side A) – woven African, Western, Hawaiian and Tutuvi printed cloth; 55 x 55 in.
2. Eye of a Sea Turtle / Patriotic Fireworks (side B) – woven African, Western, Hawaiian and Tutuvi printed cloth; 55 x 55 in.
3. Eye of a Sea Turtle / Patriotic Fireworks (side A detail) – woven African, Western, Hawaiian and Tutuvi printed cloth; 55 x 55 in.
4. Mauna Kea / Powehi (side A) – woven Hawaiian and Tutuvi printed cloth; 51 x 46 in.
5. Mauna Kea / Powehi (side B) – woven Hawaiian and Tutuvi printed cloth; 51 x 46 in.
6. Mauna Kea / Powehi (side B detail) – woven Hawaiian and Tutuvi printed cloth; 51 x 46 in.
Betty Jane Lau
My work focus on differences. I want my woven “quilts” of discarded strips of cloth to have a dialogue between their two sides. I portray opposites of our physical world, people types, and political strife. A 4th of July fireworks in the air flips to a sea turtle; a stereotypical male and female perceive a walk in the woods differently; a conflict between science and religion on Mauna Kea share a weave and exist back to back on one piece. I believe the best viewing of my art is seeing both sides at the same time: an impossibility.
© Betty Jane Lau