To embrace absurdity, I let my stream of consciousness guide me and I found myself painting something I love doing: sitting down. This piece, Chair Chair Chair, combines play with a mundane form. I have painted a chair and I have also painted a chair within that chair, implying a never ending mirror of chairs. The colorful checkerboard pattern calls back to pixels and by displaying this three dimensional functional object with digital imagery, the viewer is reminded of modern Dadaist art which frequents online spaces. This memification of furniture embraces the dissolving line of decoration and function in a way to call attention to the absurdity of regular everyday enjoyment.
Annabelle Sigmond is an emerging interdisciplinary Chicago based artist focused mainly in painting and illustration. She was born in the city of Chicago and graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2020. Her fine art is primarily focused on the uncanny and the ironic. Her work strives to make comparisons between the abstract and the naturalistic, between silly and sophisticated. She currently works designing merchandise for musicians and backgrounds for animations. In the past few years she has participated in several juried exhibitions and in 2020 she was awarded a finalist in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute. She enjoys caves, her dog, and reading science fiction.
© Annabelle Sigmond