Chanel Chronicles

fibers, thread
17 x 22 in.

As a 90s kid I still find myself talking and dressing like nothing has changed from my generation to the current day. I also regularly day dream about being a kid, which constantly inspires the concept behind my work. Our years as a “youth” are short term, eighteen years to be exact, and I still find myself dwelling on times when life was simpler, the internet wasn’t as vast and we could focus on our interpersonal relationships. Every time I pick up a photograph from the past or remember things that influenced my interests from media and television I get to have a moment of grace from my small visitations. When making my work I often feel like I am stitching together vivid details of how life plays out, trying my best to relive the moment or even plunge myself or my family into our favorite sitcoms. Not every memory is clear and is often unfinished or fragmented. This incomplete effect that memories sometime play on our mind compliments my practice with hand embroidery. I patiently layer stitch by stitch to create a moment that can not be re-lived, making each application of thread rich and desirable, but still full of gaps, looseness and distortion. Our memories can never be absolutely clear, but sometimes what we visualize in our minds can feel so clear that our senses are activated. For this reason I love incorporating textures in my work that become reminiscent of the environment and elevate aspects of the ordinary.

© Chanel Chronicles