Alinta Krauth

The Nonhuman Subject (no. 1) 2017

‘Nonhuman Subject (no. 1)’ is digital video art made through interactive javascript coding, generative drawing, and frame-by-frame animation. It is the accumulation of the artist’s academic research into how animal senses are being affected by climate change across the world, and how the world climate interconnects these creatures and their ecosystems across geographical divides in the Anthropocene. Here, there are six main creatures focused on, the bat and echolocation, the fish and olfactory perception, the wild horse and proprioception, the lizard and chemoreception, the frog and auditory perception, and the woodlouse and hygroreception. Each of these senses/perceptions is currently being affected by climate change, with predictive modelling suggesting that further climate change will only make it more difficult for these creatures to communicate with each other, and find their way around their increasingly vanishing worlds. In each of these cases, this creature is experiencing a loss, and experiencing a confusion in how they relate to the space around them.