Wilhelmina Grant

Ms. Cranky (2015)
found object assemblage
14 x 14 x 3 in. | $300

found jewelry assemblage
8 x 6 x 5 in. | $150

From the time that she began her art journey in 2008, Wilhelmina Grant has been transforming discarded, outdated, and castoff objects to into visual art. Her source of materials includes thrift stores, basements, garage sales, flea markets, dumpsters and streets. She believes that items that are no longer considered useful, desirable, or functional can sometimes take on new meanings. Thus, her re-evaluation of the life cycle of everyday items in a throwaway society serves as a metaphor for personal renewal and boundless possibilities. This transformative process mirrors her life as a two-time survivor of breast cancer – 25 years and counting.

© Wilhelmina Grant